Potato Of The Day Episode 17

thatsabeanSo at first I thought this was a teeny-tiny green potato.  Like for real. This isn’t one of those dumb joke posts about pills in trashcans or pickles or any of that other dumb stuff. This is just a confession:  I made a mistake. A really dumb mistake. Because I’m a dumb dude.

That’s an edamame bean. A soy bean. A bean. And while yes, it may grow in the ground and get harvested by farmers, it’s not even remotely close to being a potato. It’s a legume. Just look at the size of that bean. That bean dwarfs even the smallest Peewee Potato. What type of moron would confuse that for a potato? This type of moron, you guys. This type of moron.

So why did I think it was a potato? I legit have no idea. None. I stared at it, my mind went “Potato Of The Day”, and I took the photo. I got back to my computer to upload it and write a post about little green men, a vague metaphor outlining the march of plastic toys and Chinese manufacturing, and realized, “Oh shit, that’s a bean.” That’s it.

I wish there was a better story. I wish there was more to this Potato Of The Day than a sad, little bean, sitting idly on a table. But there’s not. That bean is our potato today. Let’s all take this as a life lesson. Sometimes you’re asked to provide a potato, but instead you give a bean. When that happens there’s nothing to do but own up to it.

So, I’m sorry guys. I fucked up. Sometimes I’m a real dummy!

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