Monday Mood: Goapele – “Undertow”

“From the moment I saw ya, there was somethin about ya”

That’s the 1st line in today’s Monday Mood. -_- Funny, Goapele! From the moment I heard this I thought “there’s somethin about this song”. Then I went back and revisited young Frank Ocean’s debut for the song “Pyramids“, and thought “OH.. there it is.. there’s that somethin about the very EXACT SAME song”
Now, while Ocean’s album with the song was released earlier, the album with today’s Monday Mood was recorded between 2007-2011. Either way, neither gives the other sampling or extrapolation credits, and asks us to believe that these masterpieces of Smooth R&B were created in complete mutually exclusive vacuums. NOPE… NOT buyin it. Somebody’s Undertow is washing away someone’s Pyramid… or the Pyramid’s casting major shade on the undertow… Either way – WE NEED ANSWERS! What came first? The chicken or the egg THIS or Frank’s joint?