Turnip Tuesday: Freestylers – “Cracks” (Flux Pavilion Remix

Monday sucked. It slowed you down, filled with regret of what didn’t happen in the weekend – or if you’re living dangerously, what DID happen AMIRITE? HA! U nut! Anyway, leave the past behind and walk away… When those CRACKS begin to show, TURN UP!

Monday Mood: Kendrick Lamar – “Untitled 2” (Late Night Performance)

In case you needed to wipe that let-down that average “Party In L.A.“, here’s K-Dot bringing down the house with a follow-up to his first and better “Untitled” on a lesser show host’s stage. Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy Fallon is the lesser show host, Stephen Colbert is the greater – in case that wasn’t clear.