“Rosa Was Tired” 60 Years Ago And Today

60 years ago today, Rosa Parks just got TIRED! She knew the “law” of the land. She knew what onlookers were mumbling under their breaths.  What they said to her face, and about her when hearing of what she did in that moment. It’s not hard to imagine…

Did she know what that moment in history would come to represent? Historians still debate the nuances. She claims, “Nah, I was just tired of giving in”. That feeling of “fuck it, I’m already unaccounted for anyway” It’s not hard to imagine…

EXHAUSTION. Exhaustion of holding her head up and powering through it day after day after day after blood-sucking-day.  The exhaustion of desperately disparate youth being told “stop making excuses. Do better. It’s not hard to FOLLOW THE LAW” by folks who would not DARE let their kids VISIT let alone Continue reading “Rosa Was Tired” 60 Years Ago And Today

Kevin DuRANTs Getting Old… Like Kobe Old

You know why we STILL colloquially  refer to dope people in arbitrary clutch moments as “The Real MVP”? THIS IS WHY:

Almost a year to the exact day later, speaking to the very media and spectator audience that praised that heartfelt speech, voted him MVP, and coddled his fledgling superstar public image with the velvet gloves of a french masseuse aaand how does newborn baby K.D. feel about that crew?:

You guys really don’t know (expletive). , I’m only here talking to y’all because I have to…  I really don’t care. Y’all not my friends.

Some context: That quote was after he was asked about the validity of then Head Coach Scott Brooks’ pending dismissal from the perpetually underwhelming OKC Thunder, Durant lead.
Update: Scott Brooks was fired -_-

For the sake of time, and general apathy  we’ll skip every other DuRANT Kevin has had (get it? coz that’s his name? and he RANTS a bunch?) since those tend to involve everything BUT his notable absence from the  NBA finals with a very capable squad. Let’s look at his reaction to Kobe Bryant’s retirement.

Kobe’s retirement came as a surprise to the few people who didn’t realize he had a 1 year contract left, and the Lakers are clearly gearing for a complete team rebuild in the post Kobe era (a VERY Kobe-centric era that included curbing 3 time champ, Shaq – and wasting Dwight Howard’s further dwindling window of opportunity in potential greatness). The expectation was that Kobe knows he’s still got something left in the tank for one more season, and won’t look like Wizard’s Jordan, Piston’s Iverson, or Celtic’s Shaq. Needless to say, Kobe explicitly made it clear that he doesn’t want a Derek-Jeter-style farewell tour where players and spectators are “lobbing him softballs” (and going easy on him). TRUE COLD-BLOODED MAMBA FASHION. RESPEK.
So as this 2015 season gets rollin, and Kobe’s shooting EVERY POSSIBLE SHOT (not new) but, scoring 4 pts (that happened). Nobody was gonna give old-man-Bryant an “A for effort”. Bryant himself wouldn’t have it any other way. But know who apparently WOULD? That’s right, Count DuRANTula himself:

“He’s a legend, and all I hear is about how bad he’s playing, how bad he’s shooting and it’s time for him to hang it up. You guys (media/spectators) treated one of our legends like $hit, and I didn’t really like it.”

-_- Kevin. GTFOH. Focus on helping Russell Westbrook and matching his relentless efforts. Wouldn’t it be nice to stand a chance in the treacherous Western Conference one more time before this team’s Championship window inevitably shuts? Maybe take a page out of D. Rose’s book, and just quietly collect checks while pitching in when you can on the court. Congrats on your new-found freedom of speech, hopefully they’ve got championship rings in that same lost-and-found box. You don’t have to be a mute, but all your DuRANTS are starting to get old and moot.

Update – Here’s Kobe’s ACTUAL agreeing with this exact post. We know he’s a reader:



Aaron Rodgers Is MVP Honors, Cam Newton Is Honorable Mention, And Tom Brady Is GOAT

Sunday Football came as a necessary entertainment break from the tragic events worldwide including terrorist attacks in international cities, Beirut, and Paris. Every game held a moment of silence for the victims, including Lambeau Field. That’s when some jackass chose to yell “muslims suck!”, with the timing of a Congressman yelling “you lie”.

Well, Green Bay QB heard that and called the fan out:

You get the MVP Award of the week, champ.


Now CAM… you undefeated, juggernaut of a man-child you! I say “Man-Child” referring to almighty Cam because of how much he is man-handling defenses on the line of scrimmage, and INSTANTLY followin that up with being delightfully (unless you’re a defense tryna stop him) childish EVERY TIME. Watch and laugh:

and Tom Brady?

Continue reading Aaron Rodgers Is MVP Honors, Cam Newton Is Honorable Mention, And Tom Brady Is GOAT

Veterans Day Perspective: Protesting Is Patriotic

For a lot of young Americans, Veterans Day, Memorial Day, D-Day, and maybe July 4th is when they’re mostly made aware of what the armed forces do for love of country and why that’s dope. Perhaps, that’s why this short yak caught some wind on the University of Iowa’s Yik Yak (THE most American Yik Yaks of them all, I might add. Go Hawks! Stanzi 3:16 😉 )

While I can imagine the perspective the yakker writer was seeing such a protest from, I can’t imagine a MORE perfect time to protest the Continue reading Veterans Day Perspective: Protesting Is Patriotic

Watch Waka Flocka Do The Weather Well… Then End Hilariously Terrible

Okay… never mind Flocka’s Al Roker impression. We’ll gloss right over that for a second. Never mind his grotesque punography using what I can confirm is one of Ben’s Top 10 Songs EVER to present the weather.

Rain Rain, Go Away

Skip right over that too. Waka came to the boonies of South Carolina to perform at a local FLOOD RELIEF concert. Up and up, right? Sooo given THOSE circumstances, whaaat would be the appropriate response to a “7 Day Forecast”, presidential candidate Waka? -_- Jus… Just PRESS PLAY


From the inception of this blog, we’ve made two things clear. Entourage… and MO…AKA DIRTY… AKA PIMP JUICE. We’ve been postin The Fix ever since, makin sure you Shake Ya Tailfeather Over and Over again, Party People! We kept it Hot In Herre with some of the takes, and Ben and I have been faced with a Dilemma or 2 in making this your #1 daily must-visit spot. That’s Just A Dream we had…

Anyway, what were we talkin about?  I got distracted with pointless references and puns, there. Happens damn near Errtime. Happy Birthday, Champ!

Watch Urban Meyer Earn Godfather Status With This J.T. Barrett Answer

The NCAA never has its shortage of scandals – whether its program wide, or at the individual level.  When crisis 1st hits the headlines, rival programs and fans are usually the 1st to go. “What an idiot! CRAB LEGS? CAN HIM”… then the coach has to respond with condemnation (or a delay of such) of the player and reverberating public opinion.

So, if what college your young star athlete commits to hinges on how the head coach will treat them on and off the field – checkout what he had to say when asked about his starting QB’s recent brush ups with the law (vis-a-vis: driving while impaired):

Impressed? Not everyone could turn a blindside to the hypocrisy:

Some perspective on that, this appears to be young Barrett’s 1st infraction.  While I don’t agree with Meyer’s cheap shot, I’m sure it had something to do with the fact that the crab legs incidence was AFTER 1st round overall pick, Jameis Winston already had been embattled with sexual assault accusations…that or Meyer was just saying whatever it takes to sell his book in Bill O’Reilly’s “No Spin Zone” – take your pick.
That’s the thing, about being Godfather… when your family does it, it’s part of business ie”We’ll carry on” … if somebody else does, it’s personal ie “they gotta go”.

FY Friday: Justin Bieber – “Hotline Bling” (Call-In Remix)

Okay, I had a Halloween classic cued up, but scratch that – we know what song you’ll be hearing at every party you go to this Halloween weekend. The booty-call anthem, Hotline Bling of course!

But, wait! Drake ain’t the only Canadian with his phone ringin. Couple hours ago, Young Swaggy (aka Please Belieb Me) cocked his instagram gun like:

Then without warning, fired off a shot into dat Halloween azz full of falsetto from a real Michigan number in what is actually a genius marketing strategy.  So, Skip the download or stream on this one. Call in direct to this number  231-377-1113 to hear the tune.

If your phone plan is wack, this soundcloud user uploaded the phone version for your streaming ease:

Bass Bigot, Michael Dunn Gets Life No Parole For “Loud Music” Black Killing


Long Version: Barbaric premeditated murder on the basis of our cultural, physical, and even behavioral differences has NO PLACE in today’s society.

[BASBS.COM] We’ll keep fighting for more district attorneys, police departments, and juries across the nation to mirror this protection for human dignity and life. [BASBS.COM]

Top 10 Dark Humored Posts For Columbus Day

Here are 10 Columbus Day haters we wanna hate with, but also kinda hate on when their own hate ain’t enough.
{Side-bar/Rant The fact that this is still a holiday nationally recognized of the dude who landed in America by accident is mind-boggling. In fact, he never even SET FOOT on what is now modern day U.S.A.  He landed in the Caribbean… bounced around a few islands, then on later trips hit up Central and South America. Look it up, I don’t work for you!}
Anyway…Internet, HATE BETTER, PLEASE!

Continue reading Top 10 Dark Humored Posts For Columbus Day