Flashback Friday: B2K – “Bump, Bump, Bump” (Ft. Puff)/ “Feelin Freaky” (Ft. Drumline)

This is going against ALL the rules. Ben and this African have lived by one code; love of country, protection of Jaden Smith and Shia Lebouf until we figure out just what the hell those two are doing, and an unspoken one-post-one-song rule.
But, my hands were tied. I searched for “Feelin Freaky” For Your Friday tunes because, well… song title. Then the computer suggested “viewers who liked this, also listened to Bump Bump Bump”. Usually those suggestions are meant to be ignored because, we can’t trust computers’ judgment  – they have no souls. Then, it became glaringly obvious. You simply can’t have one without the other. They are side-bs of each other (no side-a here).  If you’re “Feelin Freaky”, you’ll wanna turn around and make that body go “bump bump bump”… and the other way round (both ways).
So here we are. A double shot, For Your Flashback Freaky Friday:

See? Feelin freaky, aintcha?

Continue reading Flashback Friday: B2K – “Bump, Bump, Bump” (Ft. Puff)/ “Feelin Freaky” (Ft. Drumline)

Atlanta Hawks Twitter Was WAYYY More Entertaining Than Cavs 3-Point Storm.

If you can’t beat, join em. Or at least, join the roasting… on yourself?

Whoever is the Atlanta Hawks social media manager was clowning his own team better than the Cavs “unprofessional” shock-and-awe pummeling that set the new record for 3-point shots made in a single half last night.
Follow this tweet-trail to find the exact moment @ATLHawks went from “aw man, we gotta do somethin about this” to “WELP… we’re here now… this is our reality. History doesn’t repeat itself, it rhymes…a cruel cruel rhyme – LET’S SING ALONG 🙂 ”

Invoking Atlanta’s own Cici with the gifs. That’s usually what they say right before the roller coaster violently throws you off in a loop di loop and you’re dead half way through the ride (or in this metaphor, Game 2) starts.

All these Cookie flavors, and @ATLHawks was already feelin salty

Grey’s Anatomy wit it… or is this General Hospital? I don’t know – I haven’t seen either. That’s just the look the Doc gives you right before he goes in the other room and throws up in horror (trickle back to roller-coaster metaphor up top)

Note the score here… look closer… at the Hawks score pictured… THERE HE IS… The Crying GOAT. No scapegoats for this massacre, though. Everyone was equally helpless and culpable, HAWKS.

@ATLHawks is fairly lit at this point. If the Hawks get swept by Cavs AGAIN – this should be how they teach children in Atlanta to count to 10.

You better put some RESPEK on @ATLHawks twitter account (not so much the team)… ALL TREEs (read: threes)

What happened happened and couldn’t have happened any other way… how does @ATLHawks know? “we’re still alive” #Matrix3logyReference #Dead


Watch Prince Diss Questlove For A Cartoon Fish, The World And Generally Be The King Of Shade.

I’m not ready to take the news seriously yet. Not, because I’m delusional or in disbelief but, I honestly always thought of Prince as just some fixture. The mental image of that one-word-entity simply has not changed as long as I’ve been conscious of him because, well the real human hasn’t changed much either throughout the years. He’s also a larger-than-own-life character. What I mean by that is, there is Prince (the apparently air-breathing, water-drinking being capable of passing guy) then there’s the idea of Prince.  Unlike most stars, these two were not separate. These beings were one in the same.

They say “all the best artists are a little crazy”. NO WHERE is that more true, sincere, and paradoxically apparent than in real life Prince anecdotes. Here are a few to laugh and gawk at…

1. Prince Vs. Fela Kuti, Questlove & Golf Cart Speed Limits

Prince likes Finding Nemo… A LOT. He demonstrates his appreciation for Questlove but, he definitely loves Finding Nemo more.

Key Quote: “He’s not payin attention and he’s concentrating on being a pool shark. He walks over to my booth and is like ‘play something else ” (paraphrased)


2. Prince Vs. Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, The World, Justin Bieber, Beck (?), Halle Berry, Larry King, Madonna, Michael Jackson AGAIN, Birthdays and Aging, and Kim Kardasian

The music speaks for itself and will be touched on later. The mind is psychotically genius. The one human part of Prince we can all replicate but, obviously can’t duplicate is the SHADE.
You might roll your eyes, or give a slight “psssh” at perceived peons in your presence.
His Purpleness always found a way to take it to another level – a level “Bye Felicia” couldn’t quite dismiss you enough to. A level deeper than any seat you wish would swallow you up as Prince OWNED you. Mean teenage girls (even of 2016) would look like angels compared to this Divo (which is apparently a word. who knew).

Key Quote: “I can’t be played… a person tryna play ME – plays themselves

3. Prince Vs. Common Sense In General 

This is generally the lengthiest Prince anecdote available and every minute of it unravels more and more layers of Prince mystery that leads to more moments of ‘WTF JUST HAPPENED?”

From mark 11:30 this quote of WTFness ensues
Key Quote: “Prince doesn’t comprehend things how you and I do… he’s been living in Prince world for some time now. Prince will say… ‘its 3 o’clock in the morning…in Minnesota I really need a camel. GO GET IT‘… he doesn’t understand why someone can’t process a simple request like that


4. Prince Vs. Basketball Interviews, Common Sense, and Questlove ANOTHER AGAIN

DAMN Prince! BACK AT IT AGAIN with NO respect for other’s time in general, and a peculiar obsession with 3 AM disturbances!

Key Quote: “We weren’t supposed to call him Prince, and to avoid hitting his head with a basketball I’m like PR—… He brings the ball back, and he’s giggling like ‘na na na na na, YOU didn’t know what to call me


My Take: This dude was the best of times, and the best of the worst of times for his friends. He was an inconvenience and difficulty they chose to invite into their lives over and over again for reasons they couldn’t quite comprehend themselves. There should be an ENTIRE podcast or even animated TV series of just Prince anecdotes. They are masterpieces that write themselves. Long Live Prince – King of Shade!

Turnip Tuesday: N.E.R.D. – “Brain”

Almost a year to the month ago I landed on these Virginia boys for the Turnip Tune. I was battling a flu then. The more things change, the more they stay fevery, mucous-filled, itchy throat the same – it appears. Phuck this OTHER flu too