Monday Mood: Corinne Bailey Rae – “Chains”

Wonder why this Monday Mood sounds so lo-fi? Let RZA tell it:

she recorded it on two inch tape. And we had to mix it that way. That was a requirement. To give it that old, soul sound… [More on the making of this masterpiece ballad]


Lyris Below:

Continue reading Monday Mood: Corinne Bailey Rae – “Chains”

Watch Absurdly Cute 4 Year Old’s Prayer From Kanye’s “Ultra Light Beam”

Warning, this might break the cuteness scale on a level unseen since, well EVER. So prepare yourself. Take a seat. Put your drink down. Are you ready? You’re not… but just hit that play-button (or anywhere on the picture) below anyway! May the lord have mercy on your soul.
Out of the mouth of babes…
[Lowkey she looks ALOT like North West Ye or Nay-Nay?]

We don’t want no likes on Instagram! We just want FOLLOWS… THAT’S IT!


Turnip Tuesday: Freestylers – “Cracks” (Flux Pavilion Remix

Monday sucked. It slowed you down, filled with regret of what didn’t happen in the weekend – or if you’re living dangerously, what DID happen AMIRITE? HA! U nut! Anyway, leave the past behind and walk away… When those CRACKS begin to show, TURN UP!