Watch A LIT Collection of Footage From That BET White House Party Chappelle Was Talkin About… Featuring Brad Cooper!

If you happen to live under a rock, you missed Dave Chappelle’s SNL monologue – which has been coined one of the best ever. In the last 2 minutes of that, he tells a heartwarming story of a BET party, the White House… and Bradley Cooper?
Just let Dave tell it at the  9-minute mark:

Some may have wondered if this was just Chappelle hyperbole to make a point… well “Dave, you got your Block Party, I got my Block Party”:

Usher has been sort of a lingerer at the White House and the Cavs locker room, respectively. What DOES Usher DO? Anyway, just let him cover James Brown:

In the most neck-hair-raising performance of the night, Miss Yolanda Adams and Comm Sense sing Selma’s “GLORY”. Warning, these vocals are not for the faint at soul:

Nothing to see here, just Barack Hussein him damn self electric slidin the end of the party with Samuel L. Jackson to Al Green’s “Love & Happiness”:

After the party it’s the after-party and… Somewhere in that sea of black beauty is Bradley Cooper Swag Surfin as well:

OPE… there goes Usher again at the after-party. Seriously, WHAT DOES that guy DO?

Oh yea, he also said a buncha stuff, and Miss Jilly from Philly performed if you wanna see that:

Who did this? Internet, you’re on time-out ONCE AGAIN. We can’t enjoy ONE moment without you ruining it. I’M OUT

Thanks, Obama

Watch Brandon Marshall Foolishly Gift Antonio Brown His Porsche In Dumb Bet

They say “If you come for the king, you better not miss”. WELL, young Brandon is taking clear aim. With confidence in catching  Ryan Fitzpatrick lobs this coming season, young Marshall’s plan starts with dropping some weight for speed, and dropping a slight nudge at the NFL’s receiving king, Steeler’s anomaly, Antonia Brown. See if you catch his last sentence and side-eye on the gram:

But WAIT, THERE’S MORE: Now that Brandon done shed a few pounds (as well as a terrible quarterback or two), he doubled down with a lot less subtlety aiming at the step-pyramid-shaped head of the number one receiver in the game with a crazy car bet. OKAY. I’ll let this genius tell it himself for you to believe it. Click the video below:

Big Ben (no, not the blog one, the other one) couldn’t be reached for commentary at this time. He was said to be considering breaking his own record of TWO 400 + yards games and violating the New York Jets’ Defense.
Good luck, Brandon.


Antonio can probably us a toy car, and gladly accepted the challenge as he upgraded the paint job on the Rolls

Then responded: