Monday Mood: Kanye West – “Famous”

“Um, yeah. I mean go with whatever line you think is better. It’s obviously very tongue-in-cheek either way… And I really appreciate you telling me, that’s really nice”
-Taylor Swift on phone call with Kanye before song release

There’s always 3 sides to a story… well 6, if one counts the intentions:

kanye west sue me
Tweeted the day Kanye release “Famous video”.

I just wanted you to know:

Continue reading Monday Mood: Kanye West – “Famous”

Straight Outta Topics: Memes Gone Dumb

Look, we get it. Friday’s are checkout days. In fact, here’s an excerpt based on a convo from last Friday:

Me: “When are we starting that new section of our fledgling blog again?
Ben: “i dunno whenever…? Not on Friday though lol. Fridays are for slacking!
Me: “*sigh… should there be a particular day for it?” (equally blase)
Ben: “Probably mannnnn. Like Thursday
See? We’re right there with ya. But, that’s no excuse to start this nonsense, Internet! As Leland already previewed for us, the N.W.A. Biopic Straight Outta Compton is comin out. Apple/Beatbydre/Some-Movie-studio knows you all had checked out and were at Happy Hour, so they set this bait of a website and just watched. It’s clear it worked on you simpletons, and it didn’t take long! We’re very disappointed in what you did over the weekend, Internet! Very disappointed! *whispers*… its hilarious though, keep it up:

Well, not according to his poll numbers – amirite 😉 ?

Jerome’s in the house, watch ya mooooouf. #OriginalsPlaya

Original Rolling Stone, amirite?

Black America’s favorite white boy since Eminem via TV Show, Power. New Wire?


FINE, Iron Man! How bout being outta THINGS?

Continue reading Straight Outta Topics: Memes Gone Dumb

Sooo Cosby, This Is Awkward… Let’s Recap

That Hannibal guy’s star power has completely skyrocketed because of his years of comedic grind since he cleverly called out Bill Cosby’s hypocrisy in chastising us young black youths for baggy pants and eubonics, while he stuck his chocolate pudding pop where it don’t belong.  This 4-minute convo with Howard is the gist:

Reactions and fiasco ensued, but what it boiled down to was two camps: The Judd Apatows of the world – that were  immediately of the mindset “F that! You’re the worst kind of worst that’s ever existed, and belong in jail ASAP!“,


The other camp was the “well $hit… this sounds bad, but let’s just wait and… um how many is it now? Oh, double digits… A LITERAL DOZEN women have come forward? Oookaaay, and he’s sayin NOT sayin he ‘DIDN’T do it’? He just walks away from interviews bout it? *sigh*… we gotta get an answer here soon” camp Jerry Seinfeld, and Chris Rock were off this camp:

EGOT Holder, Whoopi Goldberg and former Cosby co-star Raven Symone were staunch defenders even in the face of multiple accusers.
Fast forward to this week where Whoopi maintained “he has not been proven a rapist” despite the following revelation:

Sooo Cosby, This is awkward. So many questions, but like… you wtf? What do we do with this now?  We can’t double-jeopardy, because those cases were settled but … (Note: I usually write in broken sentences to purposely mess with my readers and just allow the voice to come through, but this is genuinely confused stop-start ramblin)  I feel exactly how Chris Rock felt, however after this week’s revelation – way worse for not immediately agreeing with Judd Apatow. I’ll leave it to the pros to maintain that “you need more proof” that admitting to knowingly drugging women unbeknownst to them is at the very least teetering on the definition of rape. That’s TOO Raven. *sigh*