Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Is The Dick Cheney Of Car Accidents, But Cooler

Remember when the REAL Vice President of these United States SHOT A GUY IN THE FACE… then when THAT GUY made it out of the hospital, held a press-conference apologizing for being an inconvenience… TO THE CHENEY FAMILY??? That was like… less than a decade ago. Let’s pause and let that sink in…

Anyway, the brahma-bull did the same thing. Except, with his car… and instead of another guys’s face, it was the guy’s mirror. Not sure who was cooler about this, The Rock or the guy that got side-swiped. Anyway let his caption tell it, IF YOU SMEEEEEEEELLELELELELELELELLLLL – what THE ROCK. IS… GRAMMIN:

If you must be the worst driver on earth… find Audie Bridges’ street because SUPER COOL GUY!