Watch This Doodle To Your FY Friday: Earth, Wind & Fire – “September”

YEAAA! F*****UCK YEA! It’s Friday!  We know the week might have been $hitty, we know… we also know some bad stuff that made us stronger (hopefully) happened way back when (about 14 years ago). We know that, too. We were alive, we were frightened, we saluted, we kicked ass, we America’d, we were da bomb, we bombed… then we bombed a bunch more, then we got nationally tired of that and wanted out of the bombing, we lost friends, we gained some, we got stronger, we got hella stronger, we stopped caring, we sorta started caring again. WE ARE HERE, on THIS SEPTEMBER! So answer the eternal funk-fathers of this Earth, Wind, & Fire with an emphatic SCREAM dancing…DANCIN’ IN SEPTEMBER:

oops, wrong video… that was a doodle dance to September… a doodle. Now Dance like that doodle:

FY Friday: MNEK’s – “The Rhythm”

Unplug your shitty work week, and plug-in this Friday inducer by South Londoner, MNEK! If your weekend is half as zoinked out as everybody becomes after the probably ecstacy metaphor Rhythm gets to them, then you, my friend, are alright with me. Isn’t that why you cut loose on the weekends anyway? To impress me? MEEE! ME ME MEEEE!

Also checkout more of MNEK’s new EP right shmere, then convince your friends that your taste is “just out there, man!”: