Watch And Pass This To 2016 Grads And Anyone Asking “What Next?”

As an immigrant in America (let alone elsewhere in the world), one’s life is filled with uncertainty of the moment, by anxiety filled moment. In one way or the other, we all have moments of doubting our “belonging“. Belonging to a certain path, belonging in a job, belonging in a relationship, belonging in this night club, and for many this month – belonging in this graduation gown.
The other day I realized a truth as it poured out of my mouth effortlessly, and how much it had not scared me in YEARS talking to a friend of mine:

“…my entire American experience (better or worse) is defined by predicting uncertainty – that’s my comfort zone”.

For some people, watching peers (often by AGE ONLY) go through ‘traditional milestones’ one by one [1st big job, promotion, home, MARRIAGE, kids – in no particular order] – while you feel you’re barely treading water can be be a little worrisome, to say the least.
(ALSO worrisome is the fact that, I STILL can not swim but, I’m not here for your judgement and this ain’t bout that!)

I read something a friend said that connected to this “belonging” the other day:

“I’d rather be at the bottom of the right ladder than halfway up the wrong one.”

To you, I wish to pass this moment of clarity “amidst the bull$hit” – as public poet, SHAKES put it to me when I ran into him in the streets of Iowa City – filled with graduation gowns for the weekend.

Whether high school, 2 year college, or university, I wish the same spirit for this month’s graduates, and anyone asking themselves, “WHAT NEXT”.
Some of you may watch this 2 minute clip and say “get that hocus pocus nonsense outta here. Oprah didn’t get rich by sittin on the sofa!”. YOU’RE RIGHT… SHE DIDN’T… NO ONE DOES, but you’re missing the glaring point. This isn’t a message of “do nothing”… Watch and see bottom:

Know Your Life Is Bigger Than One Moment (of clarity or cloudiness)

DAMNIT, SHIA! Why You Got The Internet Goin’ Nutz?

In case you haven’t been paying attention to this legend, Shia Labouf has been pursuing tutelage in the Fine Arts for the better part of the last two years.  Between silent hour long interviews, his head full of baggy tricks denouncing fame, and general phuckery of the last 2 years culminating in his latest ploy, it’s clear Shia has dove balls-deep into the theatrics.

You just don’t get it. That’s okay, you’re only Human! But, Shia’s got you covered. In his latest project, he fires off some motivation bars that would make Tony Robbins, get up and wrestle Hulk Hogan! Watch the video… JUST DO IT!

So that was a minute excerpt of the 30 minute tirade in front of a green screen. That’s ALL the internet needed. In a matter of hours, we’ve found Shia in some troubling and self-doubting circumstances to give that little push:

Continue reading DAMNIT, SHIA! Why You Got The Internet Goin’ Nutz?