Watch Brandon Marshall Foolishly Gift Antonio Brown His Porsche In Dumb Bet

They say “If you come for the king, you better not miss”. WELL, young Brandon is taking clear aim. With confidence in catching  Ryan Fitzpatrick lobs this coming season, young Marshall’s plan starts with dropping some weight for speed, and dropping a slight nudge at the NFL’s receiving king, Steeler’s anomaly, Antonia Brown. See if you catch his last sentence and side-eye on the gram:

But WAIT, THERE’S MORE: Now that Brandon done shed a few pounds (as well as a terrible quarterback or two), he doubled down with a lot less subtlety aiming at the step-pyramid-shaped head of the number one receiver in the game with a crazy car bet. OKAY. I’ll let this genius tell it himself for you to believe it. Click the video below:

Big Ben (no, not the blog one, the other one) couldn’t be reached for commentary at this time. He was said to be considering breaking his own record of TWO 400 + yards games and violating the New York Jets’ Defense.
Good luck, Brandon.


Antonio can probably us a toy car, and gladly accepted the challenge as he upgraded the paint job on the Rolls

Then responded:

Watch Absurdly Cute 4 Year Old’s Prayer From Kanye’s “Ultra Light Beam”

Warning, this might break the cuteness scale on a level unseen since, well EVER. So prepare yourself. Take a seat. Put your drink down. Are you ready? You’re not… but just hit that play-button (or anywhere on the picture) below anyway! May the lord have mercy on your soul.
Out of the mouth of babes…
[Lowkey she looks ALOT like North West Ye or Nay-Nay?]

We don’t want no likes on Instagram! We just want FOLLOWS… THAT’S IT!


The Best Image Of This Super Bowl Weekend Had Nothing To Do With This Super Bowl…


The best image of the weekend is the posterchild for the saying “picture is worth a thousand words” It’s the most iconic retirement image of the year from none other than #BEASTMODE

It was supposed to be the retirement of a certain 2 Time Super bowl Champion QB ON THE OCCASION. But such a quarterback who shall remain nameless is feelin himself right now and bordering on Brett Favre diva levels of coy on the question.
It’s almost like he didn’t just have the worst quarterback rating and offensive yards in Super Bowl winners history. ANYWAY, this isn’t about him.

This image represents a GRACIOUS man of few words. Like their owner, when it comes to those whats on this photo, what you see is what you got.  Hanging up there they almost dare spectators “You know why I’m here“, and promise “I’m about that action!” ✌🏾️

As one teammate put it “wats understood ain’t gotta be explained…“.  So consider the following a history lesson for your kids, or nieces and nephews:
Those cleats carried the most explosive Continue reading The Best Image Of This Super Bowl Weekend Had Nothing To Do With This Super Bowl…

Top 10 Dark Humored Posts For Columbus Day

Here are 10 Columbus Day haters we wanna hate with, but also kinda hate on when their own hate ain’t enough.
{Side-bar/Rant The fact that this is still a holiday nationally recognized of the dude who landed in America by accident is mind-boggling. In fact, he never even SET FOOT on what is now modern day U.S.A.  He landed in the Caribbean… bounced around a few islands, then on later trips hit up Central and South America. Look it up, I don’t work for you!}
Anyway…Internet, HATE BETTER, PLEASE!

Continue reading Top 10 Dark Humored Posts For Columbus Day

World War Zoo: Man’s “Best Friend” Betrays The Rock’s Cellphone

Folks, this is a new and disturbing turn in the coming war to set a new world order of the Animal Kingdom. You might be worried about the NSA tappin em, but the dogs are coming for your cellphones! 

Fido waited for his deceased master until he finally joined him in a farm up north 2 years later. Anubis guided the ancient Egyptians through the afterlife, and even Barney stood by POTUS Bush as he choked on that pretzel, got in a fist fight with Cheney fell on the corner of a coffee table, and laid unconscious for minutes. But, were all those acts a ruse? Was all this an act to gain our trust, as these barkin ball-catchers gnaw at our suspicions like the pairs of shoes they all chew as lil runts? {I KNOW YOUR JACK TERRIER TORE MY JORDANS, JANET! THAT’S WHY I PAID FOR NOTHING AT YOUR BARBECUE THIS WEEKEND!}

Ben foreshadowed The Rock’s fate a long time ago, and finally started coming to his senses last week, when he pointed out that this new hip breed of Snoop Doggy Dogs is no longer content with compliance of simple orders like “FETCH. SIT. BEHAVE NORMALLY in this stadium full of loud cheering masses surrounding you on what is probably the best turf of your life” . They’re on a bender to run audibles on their plays, and are more unpredictable than ever.  The greatest of our very own humans learned that the hard way this past Labor Day Weekend. We mourn the family pictures and music Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson lost in that mobile phone. Read his horrifying account from his Instagram page:

World War Tweef Is Upon Us! Also Some Real Issues, But TWEEFS!

To “tweef” is to hold a public argument (beef) via Twitter tweets or Facebook status updates or any other 21st century petty forum. Watup Instagram.  That’s been what’s in this week, and as of late. It’s ugly, it’s petty, and goes viral fast with retweets, and shares, and likes, and subtweets, and blogs that have the time to cover this nonsense instead of the revolutionary Iran Nuke Deal. We ALWAYS have time to not cover the revolutionary Iran Nuke Deal. Even though we mentioned it 3 times you STILL, won’t look up the revolutionary Iran Nuke Deal! See? YOU DIDN’T. So forget ISIL for a minute, and recognize the one threat to our collective peaceful online order: TWEEFIN. These are the hot spots that have flared up this week, along with some other stuff, BY THE WAY:

shaq scottie tweefin benandsiyablog
Shaq Vs. Scottie

1. Summary:  We covered this one in it’s petty instagram story.Shaq has not officially declared the end, but let’s consider it like the Korea War (technically the war never ended, read a book). Stalemate.

BY THE WAY – speaking of two relatively out of sight giants any word on those TWO MISSING AIRLINES of humans over a year ago, or are we just cutting our human losses there?

Resolution: Can’t call it. But if the most heartless trash-talkers his Airness, and the heir-apparent Kobe get into this – could turn into a full out NBA off-season Tweef. Let this one breath a bit. You’re welcome, ESPN!

Nicki Minaj Vs. MTV Vs. Taylor Vs. Katy Perry
Nicki Minaj Vs. MTV Vs. Taylor Vs. Katy Perry

2. Summary:  MTV Video Music Awards announced nominations. The top award is “Video Of The Year”, and Nicki had some racey theories of why she was snubbed. Taylor raced to unwarranted defense. Katy saw the waters splashing in the wishing well, and added her 2 cents. In all discussions and coverage we’ve gotten from this one. The best point is from a tweet reading:

BY THE WAY – Speaking of women in uncomfortable positions… any word on indictments of cops in the uncomfortably suspicious death of Sandra Bland in police custody?

Resolution: Taylor proposed “you can join me on any stage I win”. So Taylor wins, Nicki takes her up on her generous offer to join her on stage… Sooo that she can talk about how racist show that just gave her that award is.. while Taylor awkwardly waits in the background with her moon-man? O_o  Sure America will applaud that move, don’t believe me, Ask Yeezus.
Update: Taylor realized her misstep and threw in the towel

Continue reading World War Tweef Is Upon Us! Also Some Real Issues, But TWEEFS!

GOT EEEM: Shaq Is Mercilessly Cyberbullying Scottie Pippen For Our Amusement.

Shaq is enjoying his summer, but does not have Charles Barkley to publicly troll on national TV as he did during the NBA season. So in his time off “gone fishin“, he put out a ‘gram of bait with an interesting debate out there to start off the week:

Scottie beamed on up for the bite. He just can’t get enough of edifying himself as the great we all know he is. But, he poked a very bored bear in literal hibernation:

*sigh* Bad-Boy, Baby. Shaq can’t stop… won’t stop. eh-eh, eh-eh. Nice visual ya got there, Scottie… be a shaaame if somethin were to happen to it:

So Pippen switched guns, and fired at Shaq’s free throw misfires:

Shaq found a life-long chink in Scottie’s armor, and just kept firing, adding a special shout-out to his old endorsement company.

Continue reading GOT EEEM: Shaq Is Mercilessly Cyberbullying Scottie Pippen For Our Amusement.

Open Letter: Dear Bootleggers, MP3 Is Dead. PLEASE BURY IT!

Downloading music was cool – till it was “not so cool” to download music and they arrested people to make examples of them. We started on Napster, when that was a free thing. Then they got busted, and spiderman’s brother – Sean Parker moved along amicably. So did we, to Kazaa (or Bearshare, or whatever P2P sharing system got those viruses on your parents’ computers, but you denied it like the stone-cold vigilante you were).  All along, the bit-rate (basically how good the code makes the music file sound based on how its compressed If I lost ya already, its okay to move along and skip through) was confined to the bit-rate of around 128 kbps governed by the widely accepted “.mp3 standard”.

That was a mistake we made. All of us: the music industry that allowed that to be how music was digitally distributed, the hardware makers of “.mp3 players” (remember those?), and artists for allowing their hours of laborious art-work to go down the digital drain never to be appreciated again. That is bad!

How bad? That is the audio equivalent of watching the 3-D movie Avatar on that black and white T.V. with a big butt that your grandmother refused to let you connect your Nintendo to.  That is like viewing a Picasso painting or Basquiat for you new-age hippies through an Instagram-filtered photo taken from your friend’s iPhone 4 on that Euro-trip they took with their family.
So here we are today. Streaming is the water all levels of listeners and audiophiles sip from.  The convenience of poppin open your Youtube (variable), Spotify (320 kbps), or – as of today – Apple Music app (256kbps) and hearing your jam instantly is unbeatable. That’s fair. However some of us dinosaurs still have the iPod Classic with a click-wheel (its 160 Gigs in the palm of my hand. Stream THAT).  We also load individual files to our iFuns (Pandora, and iTunes haven’t quite kept up with extensive catalogues of Young Thug, and Gucci Mane).  Whether it’s that, or putting together a dj set – the difference is definitely notable when your earphones or speakers puke out an .mp3 version of a mastered instrumentally dynamic album by D’Angelo, Kendrick Lamar, or Muse.  While streaming is still in its infancy (though growing fast), this is one of the main issues it is supposed to fix – raise music appreciation by fixing the audio quality for listeners.  We ALL LOVE the music. Whether we buy, stream, or steal illegally download it, that love remains steadfast. It’s how we treat and value it that is inexcusable today. So bloggers, new musicians, and online bootleggers – STOP POSTING MP3s for download! DEAD THAT.  Unless it’s the aforementioned thugger-thugger leak that will never land on iTunes or be worthy of higher mastering, consider it like the Zune laid to rest in the image above – DEAD.

Yours Musically,

-Audio African

50 Cent Is Having Too Much Fun With Diddy’s Arrest

Whether it’s mercilessly roasting Floyd Mayweather‘s reading abilities, or calling out #1 Show Empire, Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson has mastered the art of internet trolling. This comes naturally as trolling is just an internet version of the more ancient art of diss records native to Hip Hop that he is so seasoned in.

This week, his target is one of his favorite in both arenas, Sean “Diddy/Puffy/P.Diddy/Puff Daddy” Combs. 50 Cent has had a rocky, but interesting relationship with Puffy for a while. Before making it big, 50 Cent was a song-writer for him briefly – and they were label-mates at Interscope Records at some point. Outside of that, they have been competitive in many other arenas, including the lucrative premium vodka ownership (Combs – Ciroc, Jackson – Effen) and Electronics (Combs – Diddy Beats, Jackson – SMS Audio).

So when trouble in Diddy’s paradise came raining down via Diddy attacking a UCLA Football coach with Kettlebells for allegedly kicking his son out of practice, it’s no surprise 50 Cent got his dancing shoes. He’s all about the not-so-subtle shots:

Then the definite shot referencing his audio past like: (Chill Found)

Then when Diddy’s buddy Rick Ross got arrested coincidentally on the same weak, he couldn’t help himself: (Chill Restored)


Can’t we all just get along? No? Fine, we’ll grab our popcorn, then!

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Is The Dick Cheney Of Car Accidents, But Cooler

Remember when the REAL Vice President of these United States SHOT A GUY IN THE FACE… then when THAT GUY made it out of the hospital, held a press-conference apologizing for being an inconvenience… TO THE CHENEY FAMILY??? That was like… less than a decade ago. Let’s pause and let that sink in…

Anyway, the brahma-bull did the same thing. Except, with his car… and instead of another guys’s face, it was the guy’s mirror. Not sure who was cooler about this, The Rock or the guy that got side-swiped. Anyway let his caption tell it, IF YOU SMEEEEEEEELLELELELELELELELLLLL – what THE ROCK. IS… GRAMMIN:

If you must be the worst driver on earth… find Audie Bridges’ street because SUPER COOL GUY!