Monday Mood: Kendrick Lamar – “Untitled 2” (Late Night Performance)

In case you needed to wipe that let-down that average “Party In L.A.“, here’s K-Dot bringing down the house with a follow-up to his first and better “Untitled” on a lesser show host’s stage. Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy Fallon is the lesser show host, Stephen Colbert is the greater – in case that wasn’t clear.

4 Reasons To Be Excited 4 Colbert, The Greatest Night Show Host

So, George Bush – GREAT president, or the GREATEST president?” In the golden years of the Colbert Report,”Stephen ” the conservative, loud-mouthed, self proclaimed “truth-feeler” often asked his exasperated guests to answer that one simple question after the 5 minute mental roller coaster of their professional lives.  Tonight, Stephen Colbert debuts to answer a more important question. Here are 4 reasons there is no wrong answer:

1.  Breaking up the JIMMopoly:
Okay, that was slightly terrible, almost as terribly plastic as the content and context has become on the late night tip. The Jimmies are having a field day with ratings, thanks in part to curation for viral video viewership (say that fast 3 times).

When Letterman announced his retirement, he conceded in that old curmudgeon swagger we mentioned on his tribute. In a subsequent Rolling Stone interview he affirmed “I hear about things going viral and I think, ‘How do you do that?’ I think I’m the blockage in the plumbing.”

To date, top Jimmy is pummeling bottom Jimmy so hard in that department, that he went and created another show on a whole other network, and THAT is the #1 Show on THAT network. It’s an entire show where celebrities are lip-syncing other singer’s songs. -_- (I mean REALLY!? What’re we doin here?).

Executive Producer of The Tonight Show, Lorne Michaels now has his hands in creating SNL, subsequently Jimmy Fallon, and now grandfathering America’s karaoke machine. NO ONE MAN SHOULD HAVE ALL THAT unfunny POWER!  Since Colbert Report ended, my 10:30PM (Central) has been basically Charlie Rose only – into Seth Myers, when I’m not too busy hosting sexy parties.  We shouldn’t have to choose between marginally funny, and topically informative and edgy late night. We can have both! We will, on the Late Show With Stephen Colbert

2. Jon Stewart is gone, Long Live Jon Stewart: Continue reading 4 Reasons To Be Excited 4 Colbert, The Greatest Night Show Host

Humpday Hymn: Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats – “S.O.B.” (Gimme A Drink)

This song is the archetype of what we had in mind when we started “Humpday Hymn”. Handclaps? Check. Repetitive refrain recalls? Present! Humming hymn here? HELL YES! All that and my addiction to alliteration (see: Monday Mood, Throwback Thursday, etc) of course. So, when Fallon closed the show with a folksy burly country boy shufflin around like some mix of Elvis and Mick Jagger, channel surfing stopped, and one couldn’t turn away. You won’t turn away either after the first 30 seconds, GUARANTEE it. Seeing as it is Humpday, and you’re halfway to the Weekend – GETCHU A DRINK, YOU S.O.B.!

Watch The Donald Impression To Trump Them All, Jimmy Fallon’s

That’s it! Everybody quit while you’re ahead! The Tonight Show will take it from here on out, folks. Stephen Colbert’s Trump was promising, and more subtle…but sorry, Stephen. Leave the Donald to the pros. You may have heard of Trump’s comments on Fox’s Megyn Kelly “bleeding from her you know what” over the weekend. Jimmy wants to set the record straight on that. This here, folks, is about as spot on as Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin. America, can we agree to put up with Trump’s hogwash as long as it provides material for Jimmy to bring us more? Watch, Die, and go to Pun Heaven – you DEVIANTS 😉 :

Watch Jamie Foxx’s Uncanny John Legend, Mick Jagger, And More Impressions

“I won an Oscar and a Grammy, and I’m sleepin witcha mammyyy”

That used to be one of the promo-spots for Jamie’s FoxxHole Radio Sirius Satellite channel.  Its easy to see and hear why Foxx was worthy of at least two of those, when he stopped by The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and The Roots.  Whether its John Legend’s impression of the “Toys R Us theme”, or L.A. Clippers coach Doc Rivers’ dead on hoarse-since-a-baby voice and mannerisms – its easy to see why Foxx is the most dynamic talent in Showbiz (and why its definitely NOT BLAKE’S FAULT).  JUST WATCH THIS till the end, where it looks like he’s not sure where to take a Jennifer Hudson challenge, but then…

fallon fallout fox jennifer hudson benandsiyablogshit

[Foxx is not new to the this game. Peep some bonus footage of various impressions of the mood-setting “Brady Bunch” theme song, from his “I Might Need Security” Comedy special below]

Continue reading Watch Jamie Foxx’s Uncanny John Legend, Mick Jagger, And More Impressions