Watch The Only Greg Jennings Tribute You Need To See

According to

Veteran wide receiver Greg Jennings on Monday announced his retirement from the NFL after 10 seasons.

But skip all that: Let’s go into the mind of Greg Jennings (bloopdeepbeloopdleeep) :


The Best Image Of This Super Bowl Weekend Had Nothing To Do With This Super Bowl…


The best image of the weekend is the posterchild for the saying “picture is worth a thousand words” It’s the most iconic retirement image of the year from none other than #BEASTMODE

It was supposed to be the retirement of a certain 2 Time Super bowl Champion QB ON THE OCCASION. But such a quarterback who shall remain nameless is feelin himself right now and bordering on Brett Favre diva levels of coy on the question.
It’s almost like he didn’t just have the worst quarterback rating and offensive yards in Super Bowl winners history. ANYWAY, this isn’t about him.

This image represents a GRACIOUS man of few words. Like their owner, when it comes to those whats on this photo, what you see is what you got.  Hanging up there they almost dare spectators “You know why I’m here“, and promise “I’m about that action!” ✌🏾️

As one teammate put it “wats understood ain’t gotta be explained…“.  So consider the following a history lesson for your kids, or nieces and nephews:
Those cleats carried the most explosive Continue reading The Best Image Of This Super Bowl Weekend Had Nothing To Do With This Super Bowl…

Throwback Thursday: Cam’ron – “Killa Cam” (Ft.Opera Steve)

1. Today is the birthday of none other than Dipset leader, Camron Giles himself. Happy Birthday, Killa.
2. This should play on every touchdown pass and rush by the presumptive Superbowl 50 MVP – Cam Newton. It should be playing when he is 1st handed that lombardi trophy by Roger noGoodell. This should overall be Superman’s new theme song. Praise Cam.
3. Opera Steve. WTF is up with Opera Steve? What’s his backstory? Is he Arabic, Latino, or some offshoot of Slovak. Is the “Opera” a nickname, or was he for real in an opera? Is he still in one?  We want answers, but we don’t need them to enjoy… KILLA CAM.

Aaron Rodgers Is MVP Honors, Cam Newton Is Honorable Mention, And Tom Brady Is GOAT

Sunday Football came as a necessary entertainment break from the tragic events worldwide including terrorist attacks in international cities, Beirut, and Paris. Every game held a moment of silence for the victims, including Lambeau Field. That’s when some jackass chose to yell “muslims suck!”, with the timing of a Congressman yelling “you lie”.

Well, Green Bay QB heard that and called the fan out:

You get the MVP Award of the week, champ.


Now CAM… you undefeated, juggernaut of a man-child you! I say “Man-Child” referring to almighty Cam because of how much he is man-handling defenses on the line of scrimmage, and INSTANTLY followin that up with being delightfully (unless you’re a defense tryna stop him) childish EVERY TIME. Watch and laugh:

and Tom Brady?

Continue reading Aaron Rodgers Is MVP Honors, Cam Newton Is Honorable Mention, And Tom Brady Is GOAT

Pardon Me While I Search Engine Optimize, Tom Brady

If you came here for content, turn around and get the fuck out now, bro. Because this is allllllll Tom Brady all the time up in here! WE’RE TALKING FOUR RINGS FOR FREEDOM BABY! Tom Brady is a free man. FREE. Minus the cost of lawyers, bitches.

It’s time to celebrate and ride that pretty boy’s coattails. Let’s search engine optimize the fuck out of this blog!

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Ugh, yeah, give me those clicks. CLICK ME GOOD, BABY! CLICK ME SO GOOD. CLICK ME GOOD-ELL!

Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell Roger Goodell.


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NFL! Courts! New England Patriots! Victory! Super Bowl! Cheaters! Scandal! Deflated! Footballs! Ball boys! Appeal! Suspension! Four Games! FUCK YEAH, THAT’S THE GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE, GIVE IT ALL TO ME. GIVE ME ALL YOUR KEYWORDS YOU DIRTY FOOTBALL CHEATING FUCKBOYS!

I’mma go tag the shit out of this post now. TOM BRADY, BITCHES. Tom Brady.

Watch Dallas Cowboys & Rams Switch To Boxing In Joint Practice

Football season is around the corner, and we’ll take just about ANYTHING at this point… anything but those wack pre-season games (Good luck, Tebow). This South African comes from rugby roots (where the rest of the family played that, besides me liking soccer) so, my image of football has ALWAYS been this. Big Men, in costumes BRAWLIN. THIS IS IT! THIS IS WHAT I PICTURED GROWIN UP.  Sure bone-crunchin hits are here and there –  and sure, Dez, that was a “catch”, and that’s excellence athleticism (Note: Dez caught a quick one in this brawl too). But, if I wanted to see athletes demonstrate their hops and ball handlin skills, I’d watch the NBA.  THIS. IS. FOOTBAAALL! VI-O-LENCE… VI-O… no? Tryna tone that image down? WELP

GUYS… guys… we know we’ve been SUPER SPECIFIC about not punchin the quarterback. That’s our bad… Do we need to be more specific about on-field conduct orrr?

Monday Motivation: Super Bowl Champ James Harrison – “Good Ain’t Good Enough, KIDS!”

“Everybody’s a winner in P.E.”, they said. “At least you tried”, you might think. “Get em next time, tiger”, you might have heard. WELL NOT IN THE HOUSE OF 2-time Super Bowl Champ and 5-time Pro Bowler, James Harrison you DON’T!  Maybe its the training camp, and pre-season Summer heat, or maybe that’s just the guy rolls, but when his kids got an all too familiar pat on the back – he was NOT HAVIN IT. He even shared with the world his #HarrisonFamilyValues :

In short, WE.Don’t.Play.THAT. Sorry, BEN! Somebody gotta pay for that life-refreshing Pomegranate! The sweet juice of the gods ain’t gonna find its way to your cup on its own. Want the glory of anti-oxidants, YOU BETTER WORK. YOU READING THIS… YES, YOU (guy in the mirror, too)! As this week starts, no matter how long it takes to get to speed, YOU BETTER WORK. EARN IT!

…sometimes your best is not enough, and that should drive you to want to do better…not cry and whine until somebody gives you something to shut u up and keep you happy.

As. L.A. Times reminds us: “Harrison was a college walk-on who went undrafted in the NFL and was signed and released several times before finally making it with the Steelers. He went on to become the league’s defensive player of the year in 2008 and is a five-time Pro Bowl selection.” So if ANYBODY can back that kinda sentiment up, it’s this guy.

Are You Mad At Your Quarterback? Here’s 5 Things To Do Instead Of Sucker Punching His Face


Geno Smith, the Jets’ starting quarterback, is officially out 6-10 weeks following the news that he was sucker punched in the face by a teammate, linebacker Ikemefuna Enemkpali. Enemkpali was immediately released following the incident. So it turns out you get fired if you go all Ronda Rousey on the leader of your team’s face. Who knew!

In case you ever find yourself in a similar situation as Enemkpali, here are five things you should, would, and could do instead of sucker punching your quarterback in the face!

Give him a Wet Willy.
Yes, Wet Willies are totally childish, but they’re not nearly as childish as breaking your quarterback’s jaw with a sucker punch to the face. So instead of socking a few teeth loose, why not let loose with a saliva covered finger all up in his ear drum? Isn’t that satisfying? Well you can’t do that if his cheeks have swollen so large they cover his ear holes.

Leave a bag of flaming dog shit on his doorstep.
This is a CLASSIC gotcha gag. It’s also classically less violent than breaking your quarterback’s jaw with a sucker punch to the face. Think about how smelly his shoes will be after he stomps out the flames, getting hot, goopy dog shit stuck in Nike treads! Now think about how he probably can’t smell anything if you force his face to swell up like the Goodyear blimp because you broke his jaw with a sucker punch to the face.

Throw him a surprise party and spell his name wrong on the sign.
The look on his face will be so funny when he sees that you didn’t even take the time to spell check his name! Which is the opposite of the look on his face when you clobber it into a thousand broken shards of jaw bone, removing his ability to emote. Throw parties, not fists!

Make mean memes about him.
AKA pull a Drake. As a Canadian, Drake is stellar at non-violent forms of conflict. So instead of balling up your fist and throwing it at your quarterback, why not pretend to be Canadian? Think about all the funny captions you could put around a picture of Geno Smith. You could write something like “Can’t spell ‘Geno Smith is the quarterback of the Jets’ without ‘INT’”.  But you can’t fit that much text around a picture if the picture is of your quarterback’s moon-sized swollen face.

Drive him into the middle of nowhere, steal his cell phone and wallet, and make him walk home.
You really shouldn’t do this to anybody, but if you’re really, really mad, this is a lot nicer than cratering your quarterback’s face with your knuckle Mjölnir. He’ll be all lost and confused and it might even take him a whole day to find his way home. Which is still 6-10 weeks shorter than the time it would take to heal his pulverized jaw fragments if you sucker punch him in the face. That’s a win for everybody! Especially your quarterback’s face.

NFL Suspends Tom Brady First 4 Games For Deflategate

There it is folks. 4-time Superbowl winner has been handed a hefty 4-game suspension by the NFL for the beginning of the next Football season.  This is after a report allegedly implicated the golden boy of airogantly cheating once again in the now aptly named “Deflategate” – at least “more probably than not”. Some draft picks, and fines will also be part of the punishment, story is developing. This is laughable for far too many reasons, and we’ll get into them as the week and reaction unfolds.