Monday Mood: Kendrick Lamar – “Untitled 2” (Late Night Performance)

In case you needed to wipe that let-down that average “Party In L.A.“, here’s K-Dot bringing down the house with a follow-up to his first and better “Untitled” on a lesser show host’s stage. Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy Fallon is the lesser show host, Stephen Colbert is the greater – in case that wasn’t clear.

Throwback Thursday: M.I.A. – “Bamboo Banga” (Live)

When you think of the album you’re probably thinkin “all I wanna do is *bang bang bang bang*”, and the trailer to The Hangover. BROTASTICALLY basic move. Really. We commend you, to be fair we do too. Why don’t we go a lil deeper in the album. Into the bowels of that thang! Think that scene from The Matrix – the not so good Matrix, but better than the 3rd Matrix Matrix.  Remember when they went into Zion – Where the humans were partying like its 199 (some year we’re unsure of because fighting machines made everyone lose track of time somehow)? Imagine being THERE! That would be dope! Also you’d be living underground like mole-people, but it’s all good because the rave’s awesome. This song belongs on that playlist – that or any festival ever since it was basically made for that vibe. Throw it back to Zion! IT’S A BAMBOO BANGAAAA!

Turnip Tuesday: Robert Delong – “Don’t Wait Up” (Live)

Late night show performances are a hit or miss. It’s the kind of thing you stay for if you like the act, but flip the channel to an old episode of Family Guy or Archer if the programming coordinator has their $hit together on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim. But, last night – this Washington native blew the freakin roof off that studio! What might seem like an ordinary set if he was say “Skrillex” or some other dj was A LOT MORE impressive than meets the ear. HE WAS A ONE-MAN BAND

It’s one thing to play a bunch of instruments (14? psh, we’re not that impressed Beck). But, its a whole other thing to play them ALL within the breadth of a single performance with absolutely no assistance, and graciously grooving from one to another. This dude did the vocals (ON KEY – granted with effects). He had a drumset. NO, TWO drumsets! He had the keys! He had this steering wheel thing he turned that cried like a dolphin in ecstasy. He had this Wii Remote lookin do-hickey he waved in the air to reverb his restless voice! I mean, the guy was on FIRE! DIDN’T MISS A STEP! Not even when he showcased moves to put Jagger in his place. JUST WATCH AND TURNIP!