PSA: Watch And Learn With Russell Simmons Learn What A “THOT” Is

We’ve alluded to this term via one of our FY Friday selection in the past. Frankly this is an urgent PSA. Been getting real tired of giving urban dictionary free traffic, so we figured we’d get this straightened out before going into this weekend in case you see one on the prowl. We’re not sexist here at the BenandSiyaBlog, so understand THOT is not gender specific. Watch and share in the absolute joy as Russell expands his mind with this new jewel he discovers.

Bobbing for Apple: Will Apple Music Float Or Sink?

On Monday, Apple unveiled plans to enter the music streaming service arena, debuting their design for Apple Music. Naturally, we disagree on how successful this streaming service will be. 

By Apple standards, Apple music is going to tank. They’re just way too far behind the Spotify cocaine bag.

O_o Ya think??? I wholeheartedly disagree.

There’s nothing differentiating it from the other services. It’s the same music at the same price point. So why should I switch? All my playlists are already built on other platforms. You think I have the time to rebuild Morning Commutes on that shit? No. I barely have time to post this week.

1. They have hundreds of millions of users already vertically connected via devices, and iTunes Store accounts ALREADY (complete with credit cards.) That’s HALF the battle. Continue reading Bobbing for Apple: Will Apple Music Float Or Sink?