Turnip Tuesday: Robin Thicke – “Tippy Toes”

Amidst what is otherwise a beautifully pathetic begging to “Get Her Back“, Robin just takes time to reminisce about the girl now “Living In New York City“.  He’s “Still Madly Crazy” about her. So in the whole Paula plea campaign, Robin dips his head out of that “Black Tar Cloud” hangin over him to just party with the girl in his imagination.   Can’t lie, I twist and shout like a young Paul Mccartney screamin at the top of his lungs every time I play this on repeat for the suit-n-tie Turn Up! this comes on my shuffle. So whether clockin out at work on the way to enjoy this lovely summer day, or the rare occasion in which you see a chick stuck in the 50s actually dancin on her tippy toes to this, TURN UP!

Watch This Dedication To Friday, Because Mondays Suck

The voice cover is as pretty as the young lady in the video, but that’s not the most important part here. If you DARE go by without connecting with that kid baring his soul in the shower then you have no heart. You are a robot, that can not be trusted with emotion. You are a gut-maggot, with no guts!  But we won’t let you be that. Watch the 30-second clip.  Otherwise humanity will be… Lost Without U.

Maybe Rob would have had a better chance of “Getting Her Back“, if he got this kid when he made Paula. Sorry, bruh.